Life Hacks, Start The Change

Fuad Al-Qrize
13 min readSep 13, 2022

Life Hacks, Start The Change


According to Wikipedia, “a life hack (or life hacking) is any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life.

The term was primarily used by computer experts who suffer from information overload or those with a playful curiosity in the ways they can accelerate their workflow in ways other than programming.”

A technique or procedure used to manage one’s time and everyday activities more effectively is a true description of a life hack, which is something you can do to better your life.

There is absolutely no justification for not compromising and saving oneself time and hassle, especially with the number of creative hacks finding their way into the internet every day increasing.

You can find out some really great things along the way, but you live and learn.

But there are lots of ways to simplify life that you haven’t yet discovered.

You don’t need a complete makeover to improve the quality of your life.

Just a few simple steps can help to improve your mood and make your days more meaningful.

And the best part is that you can begin right away.

Several clinicians offer advice on how to do just that in the section below.

Stop and consider what is keeping you stuck right now.

It’s often a blind spot that you can’t see, so taking the time to think things through helps you see more clearly.

Examine your surroundings to see how this blind spot affects your life.

Pay attention to what your heart and mind are telling you about what you need to do.

Learning to reflect on your inner thoughts and feelings will help you gain confidence in acting on them.

The only way to improve your life is to consistently make choices that will make your life better. It’s tempting to think you need to make sweeping changes in an effort to shake things up and improve everything all at once. But the reality is, it’s the little things that add up and have a huge impact on us.

If you truly want to improve your life, start with small but significant steps that you can gradually build on.

Take on new and exciting activities, but go slowly at first to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

You’ll notice your life improving quickly as you take steps to expand your knowledge, boost your confidence, and participate in activities that make you feel healthier and more connected to your inner self and others.

You are gradually altering your perspective of the world around you by putting your attention on improving yourself.

Knowing how to improve oneself enables you to become more caring, sympathetic, and compassionate as well as to have a positive influence on society.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

- Mahatma Gandhi


Don’t let yourself slip when it comes to developing new habits and working toward your goals.

There should be no “starting next week” or “Starting Tomorrow.”

You are striving to better yourself.

Why bother?

Begin right away.

Setting goals is great, but they are useless if they are out of sight and out of mind.

Hold yourself or your family accountable by writing down your goals and posting them somewhere you can’t ignore.

There’s a reason you’re not reaching your objectives.

Assess your progress toward achieving your goal.

If you aren’t moving forward or are moving slower than you would like, check-in to see where things aren’t going as planned.

Adjust your routine, then achieve your objectives.

It can be challenging to maintain motivation to accomplish your self-improvement objectives.

Don’t forget to celebrate minor triumphs.

After preparing and eating, did you wash every dish?

Outstanding effort!

Did you manage to avoid checking your phone for the entire workday?

Continue your wonderful effort!

In order to improve oneself, one must both create and break undesirable behaviors.

What routine activity drains you the most?

Early preparation for any reasons will help you break that unhealthy behavior.

Progress is not a straight line, some days, you may not make the desired progress or may revert to a bad habit.

That’s fine; shake it off and keep working toward your objectives.

Making mistakes is a natural part of being human!

Your physical and emotional health will benefit from reducing your screen time.

It is incredible how much time we unknowingly waste on our phones, tablets, and laptops.

Put the technology away and pay attention to your personal development objectives.

You are not the only individual looking for ways to improve yourself, so believe us when we say that.

Pick up a self-help book, read some articles online, or tune into self-improvement podcasts if you’re feeling stuck.

Whatever method suits you the most, don’t be embarrassed to pick up tips from others.

It’s because they give up after one slip-up that many people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions.

We grow weary and demotivated as the day goes on.

After working all day and taking care of the family, it can be challenging to move toward personal improvement objectives.

Find a way to finish your most critical self-improvement job first thing in the morning, even if it initially seems difficult.

Time blocking could be useful for day planning.

“You must welcome change as the rule, but not as your ruler.”

- Denis Waitley

Focus on success

Many successful people view mistakes as a necessary part of the learning process. All of their setbacks serve as teaching opportunities for them.

Nobody can achieve success in life without making mistakes. Even though failure is inevitable in life, many people still fear it, accept your failure, whether it be one or many, because success is guaranteed for the rest of your life if you have the appropriate mindset and are willing to learn from your mistakes.

You might struggle at first, but if you persevere, you will succeed, don’t let your past mistakes define you, put them in the past and take something away from each one.

This proverb is crucial for those of us who feel defeated after each setback, or heartbroken if you prefer. Never allow success to go to your head.

You lose the opportunity to overcome failure if you allow yourself to feel depressed for longer than a few days.

Do your research first, then develop your plan, assemble your team as needed, make a complete commitment to success, and never mentally quit before you begin.

In most households, organizations, and cultures, failure and fault are inextricably linked, every child learns at some point that admitting failure means accepting responsibility, that is why so few organizations have adopted a psychologically safe culture in which the benefits of learning from failure can be fully realized.

Understand the problematic methods in which you attempt to avoid or lessen suffering in your life, utilizing coping strategies that worsen the situation will not help.

We have the option to search for the lesson we are supposed to learn after every failure, these lessons are crucial because they help us learn and prevent repeating the same mistakes, failures can only stop us if we let them.

Mistakes fall into three major categories: those that can be avoided, those that are related to complexity, and those that are intentional. Mistakes in organizations can occur for an endless variety of reasons.

Avoiding the blame game and implementing a successful failure-learning plan will be made possible by having a deep understanding of the contexts and reasons for failure.

There are many reasons why we fear failing, ranging from things that happened to us as children to errors we’ve done as adults.

It’s critical to understand that we are always free to choose whether or not to feel fear, you can recover more quickly by speaking with a mental health expert if you’ve had a failed marriage or business.

The emotional low we all experience after failing is normal, human, and unavoidable, however, our path to success is determined by how we handle failure.

“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.”

- Martin Luther

Regain self confidence

Survival requires self-assurance, if you’re a man, you won’t be able to find a mate without it, because women are drawn to tenacity, however, there are times when a devastating or unexpected loss can sap your poise, if you’re feeling down, here’s how to boost your confidence so you can face the world again.

You can’t be harmed until you give them permission, there are numerous occasions in life when your self-confidence is shattered.

At times, you can overcome life’s obstacles, but you might also get overwhelmed, in some instances, your guts and confidence will get you through, but your self-confidence will suffer.

Your self-esteem may be harmed for a variety of reasons, you might have had a poor marriage and are now on the verge of getting divorced.

You may have been laid off if you were not selected for your college football team, in any of the scenarios, there is a great deal of suffering.

You do not, however, have to endure, you must rise and resolve to regain your self-assurance.

The five methods listed below can assist you in doing so.

1- Make a deliberate decision to alter your cognitive processes, whenever you have doubts about yourself, think of strategies to overcome them.

Remember that the majority of your issues are in your brain, that isn’t to say they don’t exist; it just means you’re enabling them to have an impact on you, if you can stand up to and for yourself, you’ll be able to stand up to and for others.

2- Even if many people don’t like to admit it, everyone has a list of anxieties and phobias, snakes, spiders, heights, lack of control, drowning, the dark, other people, and pretty about everything else are among my worst fears.

I’m even terrified of the sun because I have moles and a high risk of melanoma. these are legitimate anxieties that everyone feels at some point in their lives — they are fears of death and the unknown, and at least one of your phobias must be confronted.

3- Stop putting yourself in comparison to others, stop staring at other people who appear to be too pleasant and at ease from afar, and stop equating their ease with your misery.

4- You are the product of your current decisions, how your present choices are seen is determined by your past decisions and future objectives, yet you are your present choices.

Learn how to put yourself in your own words, make your own rules and boundaries, and stick to them, these are your morals and ethics, and they form the basis of your identity, that is something you should never forget.

5- If failure is the source of your lack of confidence, pick yourself up and try again in any way you can, it doesn’t have to happen right away; you can practice, learn, and grow before attempting again, but this time, go in like a seasoned pro who has taken a few licks and come back stronger, faster, and smarter than before.

“If change is constant, then learning must also be continual.”

- Meir Liraz

Save your time

Our lives become more chaotic, it can seem nearly impossible to complete everything on our to-do lists, let alone find time to reconnect with ourselves or others we care about, both of which have been shown to be beneficial to one’s happiness and health.

What we need are time management hacks!

We must first assess our time in order to develop a successful time management approach, we need to take a seat and think about how long it will take us to eat.

How long does it take us to groom and get ready for work? How long does it take us to prepare the food we need to eat?

Every action we take necessitates the expenditure of time, start by keeping track of how long it takes you to accomplish each of your daily duties.

It doesn’t matter what you do, being able to manage your time well is critical, it enables you to complete more tasks in less time, achieve your objectives, and feel less stressed, you should be able to make goals, prioritize them, focus on them, plan efficiently, and arrange your time successfully.

If we want to start spending more quality time with the people who matter most to us and less time on mundane tasks, we must first figure out where our time goes. This is the very first step in establishing your own personalized time management plan, one that will provide you more time to do the things that are most important to you in life.

You must first establish where you are squandering time before deciding how to better utilize that time, there is no way to get that time back once it has been lost.

We can have more flexible schedules thanks to a strong time management strategy, when we are flexible, we have more time for ourselves.

Working to succeed is a time management process, we achieve our goals by working hard to achieve them.

Of course, we must first define our goals and then work toward them using our time management strategy.

You should probably sit down and consider what you’ll need to accomplish each objective or set of goals, as well as how much time you’ll need at each step.

Here are some productivity hacks to help you save time, accomplish more, enjoy life, and reduce stress.

1. Make a list of all the tasks you need to do; this will help you understand your workload better.

2. Prioritize tasks and set timeframes.

3. Combine similar-category activities and accomplish them all at once.

4. Maintain focus and cultivate the habit of concentrating on a single job at a time.

5. To be productive, take a few breaks during the day.

“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”

- Bob Proctor

Make conversations effective

We’ve all been there: you’re in the middle of a conversation, everything is going swimmingly, and then the awkward silence appears out of nowhere.

At that point, your mind goes blank, you have no idea what to say, and you can see the other person’s eyes wandering as they look for someone else to talk to.

That scenario stinks, so here are some pointers to ensure you never run out of things to say in a conversation again.

1- Select an intriguing topic.

Choose a broad topic for your first conversation, and think of one to which everyone can relate, this will give everyone a sense of belonging, and this is an excellent way to encourage everyone to share their thoughts.

2- Break the ice.

There may be some awkwardness among the group at first, but you can help break the ice, and each member in the conversation is simply waiting for someone to do this.

You can accomplish this by telling a joke and making them laugh, you could also begin by telling a story, this may encourage them to tell their story as well, then everything will fall into place.

3- Obtain participation from everyone.

When starting a conversation, it may be necessary to introduce people to each other, that is, if you don’t know each other or if some of the people in the room don’t.

Then, invite one of your groups to contribute to the discussion by connecting them, you could also simply relate one person to another based on their similarities to encourage dialogue.

4- Do not use questions to drill.

This should be avoided, especially when only one person is being asked, the individual may believe he or she is facing a firing squad.

Asking a person too many questions may make him or her feel uncomfortable, you may give that person a reason to leave the conversation if you do so, and others may be uncomfortable as well, as they may believe they will be asked next.

“There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”

- C.S. Lewis

Live a successful life

There are numerous strategies for achieving success in life, but the one that works best for you may be determined by your definition of success, we frequently associate it with performing well at work or earning a large pay.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to success. It’s possible that what works for you won’t work for someone else, it is the ability to achieve your life’s objectives, whatever they may be.

So, how can you improve your odds of accomplishing these goals? What are some of the successful people’s habits?

When you make an effort to focus on the positive aspects of life, you will notice that there are more positive aspects of life, you must feel, belief, and act positively and successfully; therefore, start reading books on positive thinking and success.

To feel and become successful, you must think and act like a successful person every day.

Those with a growth mindset, on the other hand, believe that with effort, they can change, grow, and learn.

People who believe they have the ability to grow are more likely to succeed, when things get difficult, they look for ways to improve their skills and continue working toward success.

People with a fixed mindset believe that things like intelligence are fixed and unchangeable, those with a fixed mindset believe that success is the result of innate talents rather than hard work.

To be successful, you must train your mind to be happy and think positively.

You will attract positive individuals, and by attracting positive people, you will attract successful people who will help you achieve your goals, keep your plan with you at all times and read it to yourself multiple times during the day.

Understanding your life’s purpose is critical, you are not a product of assembly line production, consider what one or a combination of activities makes you feel lively, active, and alive about your existence as a method of discovering your purpose.

It is critical to commit your goals to paper, so write them down and post them somewhere you will see them every day. divide larger long-term goals into monthly or weekly goals to stay on track without feeling overwhelmed, writing down your goals will help you put them into action.

A human brain is a cybernetic machine, it consciously or unconsciously pursues any objective or vision we establish for ourselves, although the process is mysterious, it is unquestionably real.

You have no alternative but to procrastinate if you don’t have any other option, time is the thread that connects our lives. It is a considerably more valuable asset than money.

Motivation isn’t a one-time shot that keeps you healthy for the rest of your life, you must motivate yourself on a daily basis.

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.”

- Billy Cox


Fuad Al-Qrize, is a Yemeni Journalist, Producer, Author, Writer, Screenwriter, and Musician, Born on January 1, 1990.

Other than being the youngest successful effective TV and music producer, he is also a well-known author in Yemen, he is considered the youngest producer in Yemen.

Life Hacks, Start The Change
Fuad Al-Qrize

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